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Privacy Policy

NRE Colléction (“NRE Colléction”) owns, manages and maintains the Website (“Site”). Throughout the site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to NRE Colléction. The following are the terms of use that govern use of the Site (“Terms of Use”). By using the Site you expressly agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and the NRE Colléction privacy policy and to follow these Terms of Use and all applicable laws and regulations governing use of the Site.

“Using” this Site includes, but is not limited to, registering an account, browsing web pages, articles, or any uses via mobile applications, mobile devices, personal computers, email, telephones or other electronic devices.

NRE Colléction reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time, effective immediately upon posting on the Site. Please check this page of the Site periodically. We will note when there are updates to the Terms of Use at the bottom of the Terms of Use. If you violate these Terms of Use, NRE Colléction may terminate your use of the Site, bar you from future use of the Site, and/or take appropriate legal action against you. Also, NRE Colléction may in its sole discretion bar any Shopper or other user that in NRE Colléction’s opinion presents an imminent risk of harm to NRE Colléction or any website user. Any new features or tools which are added to the current store shall also be subject to the Terms of Service.

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